Monday, December 30, 2019

5 Tips to Choose a Great LinkedIn Profile Photo

5 Tips to Choose a Great LinkedIn Profile Photo5 Tips to Choose a Great LinkedIn Profile Photo6Your LinkedIn profile is very often the first impression you make with a potential employer. Since most employers Google job candidates, and LinkedIns profiles are often at the top of the results, your profile is going to be seen. Thats why its so important to choose an appropriate, professional LinkedIn profile photo.Why is your photo so important? When a recruiter or hiring manager sees your picture, they begin to form an impression of you in their mind. Until they meet you in person (and if youre applying for work-from-home jobs, they might never see you in person), this is how theyll picture you. You want that image to be good, right?There are a few considerations to keep in mind when choosing the best LinkedIn profile photo. Lets go through each of them.5 Tips to Choose a Great LinkedIn Profile Photo1. Have a PictureFirst and foremost, have a picture Even if you, for whatever reason, a bsolutely dont want a photo of yourself, choose something. A flower, a landscape photo, a painting. Anything professional will do.There are a lot of scammers on LinkedIn, and the generic gray profile placeholder might make people confuse your account for a spam account. Or they might assume you dont use LinkedIn very much, which is not a good message to put out there.2. Know LinkedIns Picture RequirementsYou can upload JPG, GIF, or PNG files.File size 4MB maximum.Your photo should be square.The ideal pixel size for your photo is between 200 x 200 to 500 x 500. If either width or height exceeds 4000 pixels, your photo will not upload.3. The Overall PictureThe picture you choose for LinkedIn should be a headshot, meaning that it shows you from the shoulders up. Full-body shots arent recommended because youll appear tiny, making it difficult for people to see you. 4. LightingChoose a LinkedIn profile photo that shows you in the best light, literally. There are so many profile pictures that show peoples faces in shadows. Or the photo relies on overhead lighting that makes your forehead and eyebrows look like a cavemans, while your eyes peep out from dark circles. Lighting is really important, so make sure your face is well-lit and you arent hidden by shadows.5. CroppingYou should be centered, as best as possible, in the photo you choose. You can use a simple program like Microsoft Office Picture Manager, which is included on most PCs, to crop your photo and eliminate unnecessary space. If youre cropping other people out of the picture, be sure to remove all of them. Seeing someone elses arm in your picture looks a littleodd. And if you take a selfie, be sure to crop out the arm you extended to take the picture.Thats it- to choose a great LinkedIn profile photo, keep it simple, make it a headshot, and pay attention to the lighting and composition.Readers, how did you choose a LinkedIn profile photo? photos

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

3 signs youre on track to being a strong leader

3 signs youre on track to being a strong leader3 signs youre on track to being a strong leaderSelf-Assessment Quiz - TRUE or FALSEI understand that leadership begins with trust and having good character traits.Being a leader goes beyond being the first to raise my hand for something.Confidence and having a positive attitude are core values of a great leader.Okay, newbie, if you answered FALSE to any of the questions above, its time to get into the leadership game. What can you do? An excellent leader is one that can not only lead a team but, on a more personal level, can also promote team collaboration, develop opportunities for otzu sichs to grow, and coherently communicates expectations. If you can focus on just unterstellung three qualities alone, you will become that emerging leader that employers are scrambling to get and keep.Here are three tangible ways up and coming leaders can enaya youre headed in the right direction. Lets break them down one by one1 Promotes team collabora tionGetting people to work together for the greater good requires a bit of finesse. Can I suggest that you first up your listening skills? Use your ears and your eyes. Listen to what people are saying as well as whatsnotbeing said, and what is or isnotbeing done actively. (Remember toread body language, too.)Example I tend to be very verbal at work on conference calls, in meetings, etc. Whereas I have a male colleague with whom Ive worked with for 14 years who tends to be more reticent in these forums. We both experienced a manager who so egregiously offended our sense and sensibilities (actually she was a repeat offender of everyone on her team) that without a conversation between us, he and I inadvertently switched roles. I became very quiet on her calls and in her presence. She wasnt worth my time to engage with. He got assertive and aggressive. People who had worked with us for years noticed the transition right away. Our boss, however, was clueless. Because she paid no attentio n to us as individuals, she couldnt see the shift in dynamics. But that shift got noticed by others, and lets just say she wasnt the boss of us for long, and ultimately left the company altogether. When teams dont feel a part of your collaboration they seek opportunities to detach from you. They wont freely collaborate. and anything that is forced, isnt going to garner best practices. Needless to say, this is NOT good. Pay attention people If brilliant Roxanne becomes quiet and seems to retreat during team meetings while Georgette tends to dominate discussions in these same meetings, use your awareness of this to coax ideas specifically from Roxanne. Make sure she is allowed to speak and express her entire thought. You may need to ask Georgette to hold on a minute and wait her turn before speaking. You can orchestrate this whether you are actually leading the meeting or not. Your awareness will facilitate and encourage communication that leads to team collaboration rather than colla pse. And if Roxanne and Georgette ever switch roles on you - recognize youve got a really big problem on your hands.2 Develops opportunities for others to growIf you operate from a place of integrity, youll be better equipped to recognize your direct reports and co-workers needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Why? Because youll have their qualities at the forefront of your motivation to succeed. A leader knows if one succeeds, all succeed. A leader knows successes (and failures) are shared. A confident leader NEVAH steals someone elses ideas and presents it as his own. But rather offers others the chance to shine along with him. Nor does a true leader abscond all responsibilities when things dont go according to plan. I see a LOT of the latter behavior in the workplace. Own the bad stuff too people, its the only way to right course going forward. No one likes to feel as if theyve been thrown under the proverbial bus.Example Youre on deadline for a huge presentation highlighting the gr owth of the company. It requires some pretty intricate number crunching. You could do it yourself and take all the glory, or you could ask for assistance from the summer intern Patricia- an econ major and numbers whiz who hasalreadydemonstrated that she is totally on fire with her skills (including being able to do a pivot table in Excel, dayumm Patricia) Patricia is looking for just this opportunity to be in front of the higher-ups. You can give her that shine and still shine yourself. This is such an easy win-win If the presentation bombs, you own that you overshot the forecasted numbers and leave Patricia out of it.3 Coherently communicates expectationsA leader has a plan that includes vision, focus, and discipline. A leader uses her passion and drive for success for this plan to help her communicate expectations from the team because shes so dang clear on what she wants. Like beauty, clarity is in the eye of the beholder. Just because your vision is clear to you, doesnt mean it s clear to your team. One of my favorite ministers, Reverend John Norwood, used to ask the congregation, Clear as mud or clear as water? You want to be sure what you are communicating is clear as water of course. The fastest way to do that? Ask your team or colleagues to repeat back to you, in their own words, what the expected deliverable or outcome is. And more importantly, what theaction stepsare for getting to that outcome. You might just be surprised at how far apart what youre communicating is to what others have interpreted. When in doubt seek clarity for Success.Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor youve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fa bulously, and living a five-star life can be found

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to go from successful to very successful (and why most people cant do it)

How to go from successful to very successful (and why most people cant do it)How to go from successful to very successful (and why most people cant do it)Success is an obsession.Many people want it more than anything else. And theyll sacrifice everything to have itwhich is often the cost of admission.But theres a problem. Sustaining success, and goingbeyondsuccess is nearly impossible for most people. Hence Greg McKeown, author ofEssentialism,questions, Why dont successful people and organizations automatically become very successful?McKeowns answer is succinctSuccess is a catalyst for failure.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBeing invisible is easy. When you make mistakes, youre the only one who notices. Even being the underdog is easy. If you fail, youre justified in doing so.But when the spotlight is on you, everyone is waiting for you to fail. The external pressure often beco mes too overpowering, smothering the values and vision it took to become successful in the first place.Which is why success is often a short-lived experience. People come and go. Very few remain on top for long. For example, only eight NFL teams have won the Super Bowlback-to-back. As 49ers coach, Bill Walsh has said,The toughest thing I ever had to do welches get my team to overcome success disease.Winning a first Super Bowl, according to Walsh, is enormouslyeasierthan winning a second or third.This is true in all life domains. If you succeed in business, life doesnt get easier. It gets harder.Success Is Much Harder To Deal With ThanFailureNearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a mans character, give him power.Abraham LincolnFor most people, privilege is a poison.Once you succeed or have certain privileges (e.g., time, money, fame, accolades), one of two things happensYour focus shifts from the cause of your success to its effects. Rather than continuing to hon e your craft, you indulge in the benefits of your prior success, which inevitably damages future performance. Hence the saying, Success skips a generation. The children of the successful dont learn the causes but only relish in the benefits.Or, you experience an intensification of internal pressure to keep succeeding. Many people cant handle this level of pressure and it often ends careers prematurely. Yet, this escalation of internal pressure is what prevents a person from being consumed by external noise (i.e., distraction) that come with success. As Robert Horry, former NBA player has said,Pressure can burst a pipe, or pressure can make a diamond.Internal, not external, pressure is what makes you successful. Increasing the pressure is what keeps you going.Success Vs. AchievementThe difference between success and achievement is subtle but crucial. Success is asubjective feelingabout how youre doing relative towhyyoure doing it. Achievement is an objective measure aboutwhatyouve ac tually done.Yet, success is far more important than achievement. Indeed, you could have all the achievements in the world and not be successful.You see this all the time, people who have many external indicators of success, yet inwardly, they are a wreck.Theyvelost their why,and thus, no longer remember the reason they are pursuing their goals in the first place.What once was a genuine passion has now become a need for more external validation. An endless need to acquire and achieve more. Thus, rather than focusing onwhy,the focus becomes onwhatwill work, and doing as much of that as possible, most likely at the expense of your values.According to Seth Godin,Art is when a human being does something that might not workWhen youre focused onwhat,you only care if it works, you no longer knowwhyyoure doing it.Interestingly, many successful entrepreneurs admit to being happier before they were successful, back when their motivations were congruent with their values. Achievement poisoned t hem, and their motivation changed.When your motivation shifts from intrinsic to extrinsic, your performance naturally drops over the long-run. You may be able to sustain high performance for a while, often at great cost to your health, relationships, and finances.From Successful To Very SuccessfulSuccess is something you attract by the person you become.Jim RohnIf success is your primary objective, you probably wont get it. Chasing success is like chasing happiness. You cant pursue it directly. Both success and happiness ensue from something far more fundamentalwho you are.Success comes from consistency to your vision and values. Although difficult because of the added noise that comes from achievement, becoming very successful requires remaining consistent to your vision and valueswho you are.When you stay consistent and true, youll continue to hone your craft, even after you become world-class.Youll say no to all of the distractions that come your way, no matter how enticing they are.You wont let your ego inflate and forget who you really are. You wont abandon your values and the most important people in your life.Dont forget your why. That may be the hardest thing you do as you seek to improve your life. AsRyan Holiday recently said of Tim Ferriss,He does what he does because he enjoys it, and hes compelled to create, experiment and improve because thats who he is. Tim is still Tim. Most people are made worse by success, and thats a shame. It has suited Tim well and thats a model I aspire to.How I Turned $25,000 Into $374,592 In Less Than 6MonthsIve created a free training that will teach you how to become world-class and successful at anything you choose.Access the free trainingherenowThis article first appeared on Medium.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How clutter causes stress and anxiety (and what you can do about it)

How clutter causes stress and anxiety (and what you can do about it)How clutter causes stress and anxiety (and what you can do about it)Unanswered emails, work papers scattered across your desk, dozens of open tabs on your web browser, unused clothes and items that collect dust- unterstellung are examples of the clutter in your life that cause stress and anxiety.The harder you try to stop new clutter coming in- the mora stressed, anxious and overwhelmed you feel.Its a vicious cycle that could be holding-gesellschaft you back from living the life you really want.Luckily, theres a way out. By understanding how clutter affects your life and taking action to declutter, you can finally escape and live a stress-free life.Lets get started.The Science of How Clutter WorksIn 2012, researchers at the Yale School of Medicinediscoveredthat the two parts of your brain associated with conflict and pain- the anterior cingulate cortex and insula- overreact whenever you try to let go of possessions t hat youre emotionally connected to. 1The stronger the emotional connection to the item, the more difficult it will be to let go because its more painful.Thats not all.There are also two additional forces driving clutter and stress- the endowment effect and loss aversion.The endowment effect is our tendency to place higher value on items we own than on the identical items that we dont own.Loss aversion is our tendency to avoid the pain of loss, more so than the benefit of gaining.These forces interact with each other, driving you to acquire and keep clutter that causes stress and anxiety.The Link Between Clutter and StressClutter is like a physical representation of a to-do list - Christina ScaliseClutter isnt just physical. It could also be mental, emotional, spiritual or digital.Any one or a combination of these could lead to high levels of stress and anxiety.This makes sense intuitively.The more clutter or possessions you have to deal with, the more overwhelmed you will feel due t o the anticipated pain of loss.For example, a UCLAstudyof 32 families discovered that mothers had elevated levels of stress hormones whilst sorting out their possessions in their homes.Anotherstudyby the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute, discovered that individuals surrounded by physical clutter in a disorganized environment are less productive and more distracted than otherwise.These are a few examples of how clutter negatively affects your life.If you want to alleviate your stress and anxiety, the first step is live and work in a clutter-free environment.Heres howFeng Shui Your Way to a Stress-Free LifeDiscarding is not the point what matters is keeping those things that bring you joy. If you discard everything until you have nothing left but an empty house, I dont think youll be happy living there. Our goal in tidying should be to create a living environment filled with the things we love.?Marie KondoFeng Shui is theChinesephilosophy of designing an environment for bet ter well-being.Its the art of cutting out clutter from your life and only keeping the things that reflect who you really want to be.Here are some Feng Shui methods and other strategies to help you alleviate stress and anxiety from your life.1. Clean your Bedroom and Kitchen.There are several places you could begin to cut out the clutter.For example, if you have many tabs opened in your internet browser at any one time, you could cut this down to 3 tabs at most.The first two places to address stress would be your bedroom and kitchen.Aside from its cleanliness, the bedroom should also be free from electronic devices and equipments.Unused and worn out clothing and items in your closets could also be given away or donated to a charity.Similar rules also apply to the kitchen area.The general idea here is to let go of any items that dont reflect the internal state you aspire to have.If you want a state of mind that is healthy, clear and stable, your immediate environment should also refle ct this too.2. Prevent incoming clutter.Id assume youre a busy person with many responsibilities and a never-ending list of things to do.Clutter always seems to find its way into your life.Instead of waiting for the clutter to build up, why not prevent it from occurring in the first place?For example, if you own an iPhone, you could select the Do Not Disturb mode whenever youre working to prevent incoming calls.There are also settings that allow calls from specific people i.e. Immediate family, in case of emergency, whilst muting the rest of the callers.You could apply the same strategy to prevent mental clutter.Do you start your day filling your mindwith positive, uplifting information or negative, discouraging messages?If the first thing you read when you wake up every morning is the general news on politics, wars and deaths, youll most likely struggle with stress and anxiety throughout the day.If you regularly hang around people who are constantly stressed, dismissive and low in self-confidence, youll start to pick up on their energy and mental thoughts as well.The clutter that fills your mind can be just as destructive as the clutter in your physical environment.3. Use the four box method.The four box method is a simple strategy that helps you to cut the clutter out from your life.Heres how it worksStep 1 Find 4 boxes and label them as follows- keep, sell/donate, store and trash.Step 2 Now work through your room, home or immediate physical environment and sort items into the various labelled boxes on this basisKeepare items you use regularly and are aligned with who you want to be.Sell/Donateare items that you plan to sell or give away to your favorite charity.Storeare items that you dont use regularly, but cant get rid of. These should be stored as much as you have available storage space.Trashincludes unwanted or unused items that are too damaged to be donated or sold immediately.As useful as the four box method could be for you, the anticipated overwhel m from the work of sorting your clutter could cause procrastination.The best way to overcome this is tostart smalland block out short weekly sessions to declutter.For example, you could block out 20 minutes every Saturday morning at 11 a.m. for cleaning up your environment.Living a clutter-free life is a lifestyle, not a one time event.4. Get someone else to get rid of the clutterOne of the biggest challenges in getting rid of our clutter is the attachment we have to our items.It can be extremely difficult to hold an item you highly value, put in the trash and throw it away.Theres a psychological trick to overcome this- instead of cutting out the clutter by yourself, why not get someone else you trust to do this for you?You could write out a list or take pictures of items for your trash category and give them to someone else to sort this out and throw it away.This way you can minimize the pain felt from the loss of your items.A Clutter-Free Life is a Stress-Free LifeYour body is alw ays taking cues from your environment on how it should respond.Think about the last time you travelled on a holiday to a different country.You were more relaxed, less stressed out and anxious than back at home in your usual environment.Often, we think that its the sunny beach holidays that reduces our stress, but this isnt necessarily true.Its the fact that you moved to a moreclutter-free environment, that explains why you feel less stressed out on holidays.You dont need to wait for a few weeks every year to experience this.You can cut the clutter from your life and live a stress-free life today.Mayo Oshin writes at MayoOshin.Com, where he shares the best practical ideas based on proven science and the habits of highly successful people for stress-free productivity and improved mental performance. To get these strategies to stop procrastinating, get more things by doing less and improve your focus, join his free weekly newsletter.A version of thisarticleoriginally appeared atmayoosh in.comas How Clutter causes Stress and Anxiety (and What You Can Do About It).Footnotes1. YaleStudy. Tolin DF et al (2012). Neural mechanisms ofdecision makinginhoarding disorder.2. Credit toMikaelCho andMarie Kondofor inspiring some of the ideas in this post.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Breadth or Expertise Which is Better For Your Career

Breadth or Expertise Which is Better For Your CareerBreadth or Expertise Which is Better For Your CareerI recently had a conversation with an engineering manager at Simply Hired about the pros and cons of two types of career trajectories. I was bemoaning the downsides of successive lateral career moves- where an employee moves from one role into a similar role, and performssimilar tasks. Being a type A personality, I naturally assumed that people should take on different and greater duties as they move through their work life.Challenging my view, the manager asked me, Arelateral moves really so bad? Is there really anything wrong with a person identifying what they do welland continuing to work in that capacity over a large span of their career?We ended the conversation without me giving a concrete answer and I mulled over the question for part of the morning. I wanted to consider career strategies from different angles. To do so,I presented the question to my co-workers and received a number of thoughtful, interesting and informative responses.Before sharing the feedback, I should acknowledge that there are a few ways to consider growth and movement in careers.Growth can be measured by breadth increasing knowledge across geschftliches miteinander segments resulting in shallow but expansive acumen. This can otherwise be described as knowing a little bit about a lot of things. Alternatively, growth can be measured by growing expertise in a narrow area of responsibility. This can otherwise be described as knowing a lot about a few things. Finally, growth can be measured by advances in professional rank, such as moving from an individual contributor role to a leadership position. This third type of career growth can be the outcome of increases in breadth or expertise.The ResultsThough some respondents felt strongly that either moving around functionally or staying within a defined area of specialty had greater merit, a majority of the respondents concluded that th ere isnt a clear-cut strategy for success. Instead, there are factors that you should consider in navigating your career.Here are some of the most common responses1. Greater breadth of experience makes you a mora versatile and well-rounded employee.Having experience and insight from a number of different business functions can give you a mora holistic perspective. It can alsostrengthen your ability to problem solve andinnovate across an organization. One respondent noted that business activities are often multi-functional, meaning that they impact multiple groups within a single company. Having a wider outlook on various team needs, priorities and challenges,therefore,enhances ones sense of empathy. It can alsolead to more informed thinking and decision-making.Another respondent indicated that taking on the challenge of a completely different role or function can be an opportunity to add to your rangeof skillsAll of us come to work with strengths and weaknesses, and usually we gravi tate towards roles where our strengths can shine. However, if you have the opportunity to try new roles and experience different responsibilities, you also have the ability to shore up your weaknesses. Professional development shouldnt be about doing what is easy. It should be about making yourself betterIt is worth noting that having a comprehensive viewpoint can make you a great candidate for a role with significant cross-functional oversight, such as CEO, COO or General Manager.Tip One low-risk way to get experience cross-functionallyis to participate in a company rotation program, which allowsyou to work in different job functions for short periods of time.2. Your strategy should be based on your long-term professional goals.Some respondents used the simple logic that the roles you take on should create a roadmap leading to your final career destination.In other words start with where you want to end up and work your way backwards. One respondents feedback wasYour career arc rea lly depends on your career goals. Do you want to be a VP of Engineering? Its probably better to get broader experience to be able to manage the engineering trajectory better. Want to move into Product later? Its probably better to focus on a variety of things, but only those that directly affect user experience and interface (UX and UI) design. Want to be the foremost expert on Big Data? Focus on Big Data. Dont do anything else.Tip Identify people in roles that you aspire to and get their feedback on what decisions helped or hurt them over the course of their careers. Use this as a loose blueprint as you progress through your career path.3. Where you are in your career informs how much job, role or function hopping is acceptable.Some respondents noted that career exploration is ideal early in an individualscareer. Once an area of expertise is identified, specialization becomes idealIn the beginning of ones career, its best to diversify your experience and skill set in order to bette r prepare for the various situations youll encounter during the course of your career. This will also allow you to really hone in on the type of work that you enjoy and may inherently excel at. As your career matures, it may make more sense to narrow that skill set.Conversely,a few respondents pointed out that it is becoming increasingly common for experienced workers to change roles or functions given the rapid advances or declines in a number of industries. As such, flexibility and openness to new roles throughout yourcareer is ideal. Finally, there is the viewpoint that you are never too old,or far along in your career,to make a radical change if thats what you want. In the glass-half-full words of George Eliot, It is never too late to be what you might have been.4. Know yourself and do what makes you happy.At the end of the day, its your career, your life and ultimately your opportunity to make your mark on the world. Honestly assess your priorities, goals and preferences and th en develop a plan that enables you to attain everything that is important to you.To me, it really depends on what you value. If you value variety and learning a wide array of things, then jumping around will be beneficial to you. On the other hand, Im under the assumption that staying in the same career path with lead to more stability (and money). If you understand whats important to you, then you can take the approach that fits you best.5.Make sure you understand and can articulate how each choice fits into the story of your professional life.One respondent pointed out that your professional experiences make up the story of your career and that anyone reading this story, such as a recruiter or a hiring manager, will want to see a narrative that demonstrates growth and development. If you decide to make radical moves over the course of your career, know in advance what you are hoping to accomplish from the new experiences,and subsequently, what you learned orgained from taking on d ivergent paths. Without a strong rationale to back up your choices, you risk looking like a dilettante.Finally, I wanted to share a quotation from aSimply Hired employee about the business need for either type of employeeIts hard to say that one is better than the other, though they are definitely different. But I think both kinds of people are needed. We need people who are well rounded, who know a little bit about a lot of things. We also (and equally) need people who know a great deal about a few things and can be the knowledge-authorities on specific subjects and disciplines. Both are necessary, both are to be strived for.To complete thisthought, I would add a quotation from Abraham Lincoln that states, Whatever you are, be a good one. No matter which of the two tactics you ultimately choose, be sure to work hard and always strive to be better, however you have chosen to define it, everyday.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Add Linkedin to Resume at a Glance

Add Linkedin to Resume at a Glance New Questions About Add Linkedin to Resume Its possible to display mora than 1 profile after the plugin is installed, as stated by the site. The above mentioned step can help you to launch the Edit intro window. Before you may use the plugin, you have to create a LinkedIn app to find the Client ID and Client secret API keys. You need to go to LinkedIn Developers website and click create application button. You have to be immediately reachable by a possible employer wherever you might be. Dont give us the firms branding from its site, which is guaranteed to be boring and stodgy. In summary, an executive summary is a brief paragraph that appears on top of your resume that summarizes the main elements of your qualifications or experience. Now you have a strong LinkedIn profile summary, think about the expert summary on your resume. Additionally, the built-in strategies and expert advice will allow you to compose the perfect resume. The so lution is it is dependent on your LinkedIn profile and resume. The great thing is that you may also add resume on LinkedIn. There are two methods to receive your resume onto LinkedIn. You may also customize your LinkedIn URL to assist with personal branding. There are a lot of LinkedIn WordPress plugins offered for your site that make it possible for you to connect your readers to your LinkedIn profile. It is possible to import the simple information from social media such as Google, Facebook or Twitter. Other folks decide to just share a portfolio. The Debate Over Add Linkedin to Resume Dont be worried if you are feeling unconfident or arent certain how to create a brilliant profile that will highlight your abilities and qualifications. Be aware that if you locate a particular skill, related skills are listed on the appropriate side of the webpage. For example, if you try to apply for a Chinese-English interpreting job, you ought to be fluent in both languages otherwise yo u would leid really qualify for the position. In the event youre in the procedure for making your profile and need to enumerate your qualifications, skills or achievements, consider using bullet points and see the difference. A Startling Fact about Add Linkedin to Resume Uncovered Since resumes have limited space, you likely do not wish to incorporate a massive string of text, therefore we recommend going to Google URL Shortener. Review the alternatives and dont be scared to add sections which you think can support your work search. If youve already registered, simply see your profile, and after that add your resume file following exactly the same directions. To put it differently, your profile is intended to be a pure dull text with no formatting. Using Add Linkedin to Resume If youre a work seeker, applying for a job can be a difficult practice. If you really need to find work, you need to be there. Even if youre not currently employed, think about adding work title wh ich describes what youre looking for. Everything in your resume must align with what theyll be on the lookout for in candidates. The War Against Add Linkedin to Resume You want recruiters and hiring managers and HR people to get in prise with you so that you may show them you are an actual person that you can ask questions and make an excellent impression when engaging in human contact. You can have different resumes for various jobs you want to pursue, and youll be able to send such carefully customized resumes right to the headhunters, company recruiters, and hiring mangers you most want to speak to. Look for a job which you would want to submit an application for that has the LinkedIn easy apply option. LinkedIn is among the most effective career tools for your job search apart from your resume. LinkedIn is without question your very best friend once it comes bolstering your probability of getting hired through social networking. Your LinkedIn profile is your online resume and its simple to bring all your previous experience and present job on there for the world to be able to discover you. If youre fighting to think of any, you can attempt employing the job descriptions of ads inside your industry, in addition to looking at LinkedIn profiles of individuals working in similar roles. While looking for a work usually prompts us to consider our successes, you ought to be keeping tabs on your accomplishments on a normal basis. Key Pieces of Add Linkedin to Resume A properly executed social media profile on LinkedIn is a significant job-search tool which increases your visibility, but it doesnt guarantee that youll be observed, or seen by the folks with the authority and the urge to employ a professional like you. There are scores and scores of opportunities for you whether you import LinkedIn resume 2019, as youll be uploading your professional info to a more public site where people will have the ability to understand your profile and make sure tha t you possess the abilities and experience theyre searching for. LinkedIn is among the simplest and most useful sites to import the data of your professional life and set it in digital to be able to look for professional opportunities. Over the past couple of decades, LinkedIn started supplanting the top job search sites. The Start of Add Linkedin to Resume The existing U.S. professional standards do not ask you to incorporate a photo on your resume. To make it simple to compose a profile that covers all the important points, Im likely to provide you two distinct templates that you are able to customize to suit your own background and situation. You must also make certain that youve got an expert photo and an excellent quantity of connections. Sensitive or internal company info, along with overly personal details, should never produce the cut.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Spark a Conversation Attracting Millennials With Video Interviews - Spark Hire

Spark a Conversation Attracting Millennials With Video Interviews - Spark HireHere at Spark Hire, we want to help companies utilize the power of online video to find the best candidates. We get a lot of questions from readers about best practices for using online video in the hiring process. These posts will address those questions about how to find your next superstar employee.Question How can I use video interviewing to attract Millennial candidates? Jessica from Chicago Thank you for your question, Jessica. In fact, video interviews are great for Millennials and they are probably the ones most familiar with them. So how can you use video interviewing to specifically drive behauptung millennials to your open positions?For starters, lets talk a bit about millennials and what they look for in a job. A while back Spark Hire discussed an infographic that touched on the truth about millennials. What we know about millennials is that they like both competitive compensation and attractiv e company cultures. Furthermore, they like feedback and they like to know that their opinions or suggestions are being heard. You can try and attract these millennials to your company right off the bat by recording a company video. In the video you can talk about your company culture and show them how great it would be to work for a company such as yours.Company culture is a huge part of employee retention, so why not share that culture with millennials right from the start? To further attract highly sought-after millennials, suggest they record a video resume and submit it with their other application documents. Millennials will love that they have a chance to show off their personality and communication skills right from the get-go. If you like their video resume and ask them to record one-way video interview answers, they will appreciate that as well. They will like that they have the chance to show you their personality rather than just write about it in a cover letter or resume .You can also start using social media in your hiring. Social media has quickly become a tool used in the hiring process and you can start using it to attract talented millennials. Connect with millennials on social media, and through those various outlets suggest they use video interviews in their job search and with your company. Whats even better is that they can use their video resumes and attach them to their social media profiles. Most millennials will adopt any practice that puts their information out there to help them snag a job easily.As if these werent enough to reel in the most talented of millennials, you can let them know that with video interviewing they can use their mobile device to interact with you and your company. With a video interviewing platform like ours, job seekers can record video resumes as well as their answers to one-way video interviews all from their smart phone. Its difficult to see a millennial these days without a smart phone- its second-nature to them. Millennials appreciate the fact that they can interact with you over their mobile device and will jump at an on-the-go job search like the one video interviewing provides.Do you have a question you need answered? Spark a conversation with the Spark Hire team by submitting your question to blog(at) or in the comments below.